Blast Away Boredom With Drama Games to Teach Children ESL

Use an active ESL teaching activity your students will love. Heads on desks, heavy eyelids, and hands fidgeting – oh no, you’re losing them! You can tell. They might as well be shouting, “I’m bored!!” Don’t worry, this is nothing more than helpful feedback from your students that it’s time to switch strategies. Boredom is…

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The Power of Praise and Encouragement

Kids English Theatre

I have to laugh when parents sometimes tell me “ Miranda, I’m sending my child to you because he/she hates English!” Thanks very much! It’s not ideal starting sessions surrounded by frightened little faces, who already have preconceived negative vibes about language learning. But, when it happens and I know I have a tiny window…

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Why do English lessons flop?

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Have you ever prepared an  activity for your children based on what you’ve read somewhere or seen someone do? But when you introduce it, it completely FLOPS?😢 Why is that? A lot comes down to how we communicate. I often see teachers with impressive qualifications, knowledge and experience but with something fundamental missing: Effective communication…

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Can a ball help teach children English?

Can a ball help teach children English

Looking for fresh ideas to teach young language learners? Try a big soft squidgy ball to: – Surprise – Motivate – Involve – Break the ice – Introduce new language – Review – Make learning fun and memorable Check out the video for some ideas. Resources: FREE E-Book “Teach Children English Through Drama- 4 Steps…

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Trial English Language Lessons – Can Be Scary


It’s that anxious time of year again – the start of a new school term. Many of you are probably already in full flow organising trial lessons for prospective new students. I personally still find trial lessons stressful – mainly because there are no guarantees: Children will actually show up and participate in the trial…

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