Don't Be Afraid To Be Different

Don't Be Afraid To Be Different
Wow, where did the summer go? Already at the beginning of a new school year!
September is often a busy and intense month for English teachers. Organising and promoting new courses, answering emails, phone inquiries and arranging taster lessons for prospective students.
But what if you’re just starting out? Where do you start? And more importantly how can you compete with bigger or more established schools in your area?
The secret is to not offer the same standard English courses that everyone else is doing.
By identifying your strengths – building on them, adapting them and playing with them.
Maybe you’re an extraordinary storyteller, you can sing or play a musical instrument, you’re expressive and theatrical or maybe you’re a whiz with magic tricks!
You may be thinking, what has all that got to do with being an English teacher?
Activities such as theatre, music, and play are key in helping young children learn a new language effectively by encouraging active learning using the whole body, mind, voice and emotions to communicate.
They are creative, fun and help children of all ages focus and concentrate their energies and improve their language skills… fast!
So, stop comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate…
Being a creative and theatrical English teacher is simpler than you think.
Taking the first step is sometimes the most difficult.
Happy teaching
If you haven’t already downloaded my FREE Ebook with tips and suggestions to getting started teaching children English through drama here is the link