English language learning is serious play
English language learning is serious play
I was once asked by a dad of one of my pre-schoolers when I was going to start introducing the verb -to be and -to have. I responded that I was already doing so in every single lesson.
He looked at me confused and assured me that his child couldn’t yet repeat the verb -to be. I explained that I wasn’t teaching his child the same method he probably learnt at school. I was teaching English through Drama!
I teach English through drama because I believe dramatic art helps children learn a second language in the same way they learn their first.
I admit, drama is a “unique” method of English teaching. For example it doesn’t involve language drilling for memorization – but then again do we ever teach our infants and toddlers their mother tongue by making them repeat over and over verb conjugations? Goodness no! It would be crazy, right?!
Instead we teach our tots to speak through sound imitation, songs, finger-plays, nursery rhymes, chants, mimes and funny faces. Above all we teach children through laughter and play.
So, if we consider how infants learn their first language – surely it can help us understand how best to teach them a second, third or fourth language. Don’t you think?
Be theatrical!