How do children adopt a spectacular English accent?

How do children adopt a spectacular English accent?
How do children adopt a spectacular English accent?🇬🇧🌟Simple, by learning through imitation.
👶Toddlers learn their first language by mirroring 👥 how their parents speak and copying their sounds, intonation, inflection, rhythm and musicality.🎵 Only after they have grasped these fundamental verbal skills do they start learning how to read and write.📗🖍
This imitation approach can be successfully applied to learning a second🇬🇧language especially as we all know reading and speaking English are two completely different things and the less speaking practice🗣 children get, the harder they’ll find pronouncing English later on.
This is why speaking skills need to be practiced and developed very early on👶
In my English and Drama sessions emphasis is principally on children’s verbal and physical communication. Lessons are structured in an open space (there are no desks, chairs, paper or pens) and children are encouraged to express themselves through speaking, singing, acting, playing and moving.
Imitation plays a key role in sessions and even when preparing kid’s performances 🎭🎬scripts are handed out only 2 weeks before the opening night.
Give children a script too early and they get dependent on it, they become super focused on 👀reading their lines and less focused on understanding why they are saying them. 📗Scripts also tend to physically block children and their pronunciation often goes haywire! 😆
Verbal script prompting is a theatre technique that encourages children to imitate and pronounce English naturally with fun and ease.
This performance topic and many more will be developed in the next Weekend Masterlcass Staging a Children’s Play 18-19th May 2019 , Florence.
Come and join the fun. It will give you loads of practical, inspiring tips and tricks on how to improve children’s fluency and make SHOWTIME a pleasure and a breeze for everyone involved.😃
Be theatrical!
Miranda xx
For more info and bookings ==>
Free E-Book Teach Children English Through Drama ==>