Mummy & Me English Theatre Courses


Mummy & Me English Theatre Courses

When I first started teaching children English years ago it was simple.
New students would enrol in my courses every week. I would like to think it’s because I’m a fabulous teacher,😆 but I think it was more because there wasn’t much offer around at the time and I was native English.

Today, English courses for children are popping up EVERYWHERE and the competition is fierce.
So what makes you an unique English teacher and stand out from the rest?

If you are offering the same standard method, activities and materials that other teachers offer, how do you get families to choose YOU and not THEM?

12 years ago, I introduced my first ever Mummy & Me English Theatre Course in Italy. The course was designed for parents and children to come and learn, sing and play in English.

It was an immediate hit with families because it was fun and above all ORIGINAL!

My Mummy and Me Course is STILL my most popular course, even today.

In my Teacher Training Courses I will be sharing my personal experience and SECRETS to how you can organise your own Mummy and Me Courses too.

The Kids English Theatre Training Courses also cover:
• How to teach English using drama techniques and language games
• Storytelling and role-play
• How to stage a play
• Using music effectively in the classroom
• How to become a successful communicator
• How to publicize and organize your own courses

Find out more about Teaching children English through Drama ==>

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