Teach children English with “Character Walks” Drama Game


Teach children English with “Character Walks” Drama Game

This simple drama game (ages 6+) can be used for practicing questions and reviewing vocabulary in the English language classroom

It also encourages children to develop their imaginations and boost their self-confidence by play-acting in front of an audience. You’ll need a selection of character cards for this activity for example ballerina, cowboy, queen, robot, monster, pirate, astronaut, clown, bear, monkey, wolf, mouse, etc. Ask a child to cross the circle and walk as their character and have the rest of the group guess what character they are playing by asking “Are you a cowboy?”, “Are you an astronaut?”

You can also extend the activity by asking students to do different actions for example: get dressed, eat breakfast, shake hands with someone, dance, etc…

A fun game that helps children learn English- theatrically!

Hope your students enjoy it. Be theatrical! Miranda

For more ideas on how to teach English through drama, download the free e-book, Teach Children English Through Drama.

Visit the Kids English Theatre Youtube Channel for more drama games, language exercises, puppet demos, and other fun ideas to make your lessons fun and unforgettable. 

Be Theatrical!


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