The Best Time For Teachers To Get Organised

Kids English Theatre

The Best Time For Teachers To Get Organised

August: the best time to get organised

I hope you’re enjoying your summer

Just to remind you that in less than a month we start the 5 -Day Complete English Theatre Teacher Training Course.

I’m very excited about meeting the participants, many of which are coming from all over Italy to take part in the course. I’m especially delighted because there’s such a mix of nationalities, backgrounds and personal circumstances.

Some participants are starting their own language schools or after school programmes while others already have some teaching experience.

There are however, some characteristics that everyone has in common; their passion in working with children, their enthusiasm to learn new skills in teaching English through drama and not to mention, their solid knowledge of English.

This is inspiring to hear and I can’t wait to get started!

I’m visiting my family in Valencia at the moment and while I’m sitting here enjoying the sea view, I’m putting the finishing touches to the topics that we’ll be covering in the course.

I’m also answering phone calls from parents interested in enroling their children in my “Teatro Inglese” courses in Florence in September.

Yes, I know, August is normally a time for relax and much needed recharging of batteries. But, as many teachers out there already know, it is also a time when we have to start structuring our teaching programme for 2017-2018.

August gives us the opportunity to get those creative juices flowing, preparing new materials and activities and also organising publicity campaigns.

These details are best arranged early because you’ll find you’ll be too busy and stuck for time to do it all when children go back to school in September.

One of the keys to becoming a successful English Theatre Teacher is self-confidence and the key to self-confidence is preparation and organisation

To try and take the stress and headache out of preparation, one of the topics I’ll be covering over the 5 -Day Course is :
“Course Organisation”

I’ll be giving tips and suggestions on:

– Choosing and hiring a suitable venue
– Course prices
– Lesson /Course structure
– Lesson planning
– Classroom management
– Didactic materials
– Insurance
– Publicity
– Public relations
– Trial Lessons
– School projects

If you would like to learn more about how my Complete 5-Day Course can help you and your teaching check out more details here

Click here ==>

Happy Teaching !

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