Teachers, Be Theatrical And Captivate Your Audience

Teachers, Be Theatrical And Captivate Your Audience
Your first English lesson can be a scary experience. Not only for children but for YOU too!
Will children listen to me?
Will they behave?
Will they learn anything?
Will they like me?
Will they come back?
You want your first lesson to be a hit but there are no guarantees children will want to come back to you again.
The problem is when you walk into a classroom for the first time, if you are unable to engage and motivate your children successfully, they instantly stop listening and become bored.
And once you lose a child’s attention and respect it is very difficult to regain it.
It’s a common problem not only for teachers
Over the years, I have worked with business managers, doctors, lawyers and other professionals who regularly give speeches in front of audiences and who are also petrified they will be unable to captivate their listeners’ attention.
An important point to remember is..
When you first start teaching children English through theatre, it is important what you teach them as it is equally important how you teach that makes a lesson successful.
And learning how to be a good communicator is fundamental for any new teacher, business manager, politician etc.
Learning how to communicate, to connect, and interact with children will allow you to understand how to control your class, transfer your positive energy, and feel more confident yourself.
The problem is that no school, book or course actually trains teachers in “classroom communication”. It is just assumed and expected that you already know how to do it.
Over the years I have seen many brilliant, talented and passionate English speakers who completely FREEZE in front of an audience.
This is the reason why I have designed a teaching course that specifically tackles the crucial topic of “Effective Classroom Communication”
Topics Include:
– Creating a stronger presence – powerful body language strategies
– How to use the voice effectively (musicality, tone, pitch, speed, volume)
– Creating a positive classroom atmosphere and demeanor
– The role of play, humour and laughter in the classroom
– How to control teaching nerves
– The benefits of non-native speakers
Teachers… don’t risk that your students get bored and abandon your courses!
Be theatrical and captivate your audience!
If you are not already enroled and would like more information about my next 5 – Day Complete English Theatre Teacher Training Programme see here ==> http://bit.ly/2uxSpkj
Happy Teaching !